
Homepage Educator Space

Welcome to Copibec’s Educator Space.

Are you a school principal, regular or specialized teacher, professor, teaching assistant, trainer, educational advisor or remedial teacher? Then you’re in the right place. Copibec’s Educator Space brings together what you need to know about copyright protected material.

Here, you can quickly check the terms and conditions of the copying agreement covering your educational institution. Whenever you need to find out more, you can refer to our frequently asked questions (Elementary & high school FAQ, College FAQ, University FAQ) for fast answers.

At any time, you have the option of contacting one of our copyright specialists by using the link on the bottom right of every page.

Feel free to with us!


Author and illustrator Claude Robinson addresses the question of Copyright and its importance for creators.

A project developed by RAAV in collaboration with SARTEC, UNEQ, COPIBEC and ACCESS Copyright.
© RAAV 2015

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